Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Erase Crimes by "Faking News"

Criminal corporations like Bharti Walmart India use multiple techniques to hide their crimes that they commit every single day of their lives by manipulating the truth through main stream media. They create their own media versions like "Faking News" which has helped them write off truth very effectively. They can easily get away with all of their crimes by using "satire form" which is a slick way of suppressing truth from the court of law. They use sly linguistic techniques to manipulate the truth so that they can easily fool the opponent. The power of confusion has been their ultimate weapon that they have used for generations to destroy many lives, and they continue their onslaught towards humanity to feed their never ending greed.

Bharti Walmart India
They intend to keep people entrapped in their systematic traps that are blind to the eye. They have created an open trap in which people enter on their own, and see no way out from their labyrinth. This amazing trap keeps people within the system of disrepair because they have no way out from that amazing trap. This will continue forever if they are not completely destroyed.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Backstabbing in the Court of Law

The evil force of zealots has always used sly ways to manipulate their opponents rather them facing them head on. These cowardly monsters have always backstabbed their opponents by manipulate the laws that govern life. This can be seen through the evil corporations that are owned by them like Bharti Walmart India that manipulates all the people in their system. Whenever any one tries to stand up against them in the court of law they use their high paid lawyers to find slick ways to put their opponents down completely. Not only that, they have created multiple traps all over to understand the mindset of the people to transform their strategy completely. This way they can transform their techniques to match their opponents, and get away with their crimes forever. However, lies, and deception goes only so far which is why their destruction is inevitable. They have destroyed many lives in the process of their profiteering which is why they have to be stopped once and for all before they devastate the whole world completely.

Bharti Walmart India