Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Support Sweatshop Labor

Bharti Walmart is the kind of corporation that feeds off Sweatshop in countries like China, and Bangladesh where the working conditions are the worst, and those goods are going to be sold in India.

The profiteering racket run by this organization all over the planet by deceiving people all over the world has entered this country as well, however the people have been prepped for generations to accept such evil constructs of the Zealots that have been feeding off human suffering all over the planet.

Their evil monstrosity has no end because they use psychological warfare in every aspect f their lives so they can suppress the masses till the end of time, and they can play master race. They use the political system in such a way that people are never able to stand up against all the wrong things in the world, and they remain like sheep till the end of time.

This is a business war where people are used as cattle, and their businesses are destroyed so evil corporations run by zealots can thrive alone. When all businesses are dead then only their business remains where people get exploited at a massive level.

This is about destroying what other people have, and taking every thing without considering the consequences about the people who get crushed. However, in the case of zealots they are aware of the consequences, and they do it intentionally to make that happen. 

Their primary aim has always been to destroy all cultures in the world, and spend the least amount of money on war at the same time. This is about destroying the people, and making money off it at the same time so the global racist can play top civilization by destroying all others.

The constant deaths in Bangladesh shows that these monsters do not care about the people, and they enjoy putting more pressure on the people so they produce more for their never ending greed. The safety protocols are completely eliminated because they will have to spend billions on the lives of the people who do not even matter.

This is the evil mindset that runs behind the corporate machines run by zealots, and they will never stop until all the cultures are literally drained out of their blood. They are like human blood sucking parasites that will do any thing when it comes to making money off other people's lives.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Paid Fake Blogs

Bharti Walmart India is the mastermind of cheap tricks which are used to "con" the people of the world into thinking that they actually trying to work for them. Creating fake blogs by its own employees is one of them. Their employees are paid to write fake blogs, pretending to be a customer and being happy about the way they have been treated. This way they have warped the minds of the people for many years while they have been using their cheap tricks behind the scene for their profiteering racket. Their deceptive operation is huge no doubt, and the kind of techniques they used for maximum profit maximization is absolutely evil. 

Bharti Walmart India is the kind that will never stop until they destroy the people of this country "Slowly" over the years by entrapping them in its web, and slowly make them bleed when they do not even realize it. Like a spider keeping its prey alive to feed on its blood for a long time to come. This way they will be able to keep their evil existence by chewing on the bones of the people.

Bharti Walmart India