Showing posts with label Agra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agra. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

EL Rothschild Funding in walmart

 Bharti Walmart India is conspiring to destroy the common people of this country for their personal profit, and they are trying to manipulate the people through "Disinformation" tactics so they are not able to fight back their evil agendas that cannot be seen by them. Deception has been the main weapon used by the criminal cult behind this organization. They use the laws of the world to make people believe that the system can protect them, however they have the right people in the position of power to manipulate the people till the end of time. They create controlled opposition to deceive people that someone is fighting them, yet they create such a situation that the whole case goes on for years or it is thrown out of the court completely by creating doubts.

Bharti Walmart India

Wal-Mart shows interest in export of Indian agri-products, this will be the second such initiative for Bharti Group. Bharti Enterprises has an additional undertaking, FieldFresh Foods with EL Rothschild Group-owned ELRO Holdings India, to export fresh agri-products like fruits and vegetables to Europe and the US.

Field Fresh was fundamentally an export agro-based corporation and has been exporting fresh fruits and vegetables to various markets including UK, the Middle East and Europe.

It is more than apparent that Bharti Walmart India is being funded by the Rothschild family that owned the British, French, Dutch, and Swiss East India company. The monsters behind that evil corporation did not go out of existence but they became more powerful, and evil than ever before. This corporation which is systematically built on manipulating every person connected to their system is the true reflection of the magnitude of their evil. They created Sweatshops in many countries to feed their corporations with cheap goods, so that they do not have to work a single day in their lives. All they have to do now is destroy the small businesses in their path and install their demonic system of manipulation to feed off the lives of the common people.