Showing posts with label walmart evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walmart evil. Show all posts

Monday 17 September 2012

Tax cheat: Sam Walton’s Cherokee Indian Ancestry, Lie

The humanity is under hazard because so-called fortune 500 business enterprises like Bharti Walmart India that will go to any boundary to use the community of the globe to make speedy profits. The scam that is being committed in this nation shows that they have every intention to obliterate lives for their individual profit which is why they have to be eliminated once, and for all. This is a business which has been structured with the principles of the “Zealots” who have been eating away at the planet for the last 2500 years. They have used many dastardly techniques to twist the minds of the public, and keep them in a state of unawareness so that they can control their lives till the end of time. It would allow them to use citizens to feed their mechanical engine which is built to exhaust their lives away. This is not a arrangement that is meant to make the lives of the ordinary man better but it is meant to use them as fuel to feed their desire for money. They do not care about selling anything that is good but all these monsters care about is how to exploit to increase their profit by any means necessary.

Bharti Walmart India

Mike Duke, the CEO of Wal-Mart has claimed in a latest press release that Sam Walton the “dude” who started Wal-Mart and his family, which controls more than 50% stakes in Wal-Mart, is the descendant of a long lost Red Indian Cherokee tribe.

This is the new scam being pushed by Bharti Walmart India which is to invade the economy by bypass the laws they were lobbying (bribing) to change the FDI laws. The difficulty was that it method was too slow for them, and they were running out their patience when their shares were declining in the market. This is the main cause that they used the swindle of having Red Indian Cherokee tribe ancestry to possess the market completely. However, this was a method that the “Borg collective” used to use to conceal their true identity which will now be shattered. If this deception is out in the open, then numerous old scams that they have done will be broken apart as well which will show the way to their predictable demise.

“Yes, we would like to move fast and use the first mover advantage. The best part is we straight away get 12.5% of the market share by default and before these chaps realize their mistake and bring a retrospective law we have to setup shop. As per the current Indian laws Sam Walton’s ancestors were Indians as well as tribals and that’s about it,” said one of the lawyers of Wal-Mart legal department.

Obviously, they seek to takeover the market using this method and crumble the laws  to sell their sweatshop products in the nation. Not only they plan to sell Cheap Chinese Sweatshop made cargo but they also plan to send abroad fresh farm good to Europe which will leave the state is much more dissolute state. Bharti Walmart India has shaped this circumstance for these anti-social elements to take over the nation at a core level, and this deceitful brand name cannot be permissible to carry on any longer. They have dug a deep hole for the community, and soon they will pay a heavy price for the evil they have done.

Just to be sure that their strategy is full proof, Wal-Mart has already got a Tahsildar to certify that Sam Walton belonged to the Cherokhee community. “All we needed to do was pay Rs.500 to get the attestation. To think of it in the end, the solution was so simple and right in front of us, when in fact we were wasting millions of dollars on these politicians to pass the FDI in retail bill and unnecessarily getting ourselves involved in a potpourri of new scams,” said Robinson in a disgruntled tone.

They used the lack of knowledge of the populace, and got themselves attested as fraction of the “Cherokhee society” which is a absolute lie. This was specially done to enter this state by bypassing laws to sap the blood of the ordinary people. They also obviously stated that they have been bribing corrupt officials to get the FDI bill approved, which is why they shaped a whole new con to reinstate their original swindle. Bharti Walmart India is built on noxious roots that are going to increase in the nation at a complete new level. The future of the ordinary people will be shattered, and they will be left in much more decadent state than before. 

“And I’m told that in addition to being Indians, we also belong to what they call a Scheduled Tribe so our business will get a lot of tax concessions and guaranteed Government off-take,” she added.
The sudden developments have startled many veterans in retail industry. Companies like Target, Carrefour and Lidl have now setup special teams to find their ancestry, resulting in #whosmydad becoming one of the top trending terms on Twitter. Meanwhile, babus in the Ministry of Finance are frantically trying to figure out whether Cherokhee Indians are OBC, ST or members of a minority community.

Target, Carrefour and Lidl in India are trying to go after the path of Bharti Walmart India so they can also grasp on to the identical concessions in Tax from the Indian Government. The point to be noted is that why are they using the identical pattern? It is because they are division of the same group that owns the whole conglomerate. They are like a hoard of locusts that do not care for any thing but their own lives, and munch through everything in their trail. They are putting stress on the Finance Ministry to publicly declare them as OBC so they can get all the tax concessions, and the people of the state will endure in the end. This toxic game has to stop, and it will only end with the whole annihilation of the borg collective itself.